25 Random Things (About Me)
So I got tagged on my Facebook with this 25 random things list. The rule goes: once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you; at the end, choose 25 people to be tagged; you have to tag the person who tagged you; if you have been tagged, it’s because I want to know more about you.
Here’s the instruction to do the tagging in Facebook: go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people (in the right-hand corner of the app, though I don’t think I can make it to 25) then click publish. So, here they are, the 25 random things in no particular order, except one (hint: posting date).
- Moderation is a virtue.
- “Trekker” should be my middle name.
- Live, and let live.
- I thought I would never work 60+ hours week, boy was I wrong.
- I used to be my class’ photojournalist in high school.
- Finding life’s meaning has been a lifelong goal.
- I was a church choir boy in my elementary school.
- Look it up, culinary connoisseur.
- My mom is an impersonation of unconditional love, though if only she knew…
- I like unconventional storytelling like those in Memento, Lillies, 12 Monkeys, and La Mala Educacion.
- I am well-versed in Earth 616 up to Operation Zero Tolerance.
- Fitness First sums it best, “Motivation is what gets you started, habit is what keeps you going”.
- I am an INTP.
- I thought I would not be in love again for a long time, boy was I wrong.
- I have been a gadget freak since pre-school.
- Staying bald is a way to keep hair degeneration from being visible.
- I actually did my final management trainee presentation based on City of Heroes.
- Religion does not play a big part in my life, only a central one.
- I used to be a shopaholic, until I read Peter Lynch’s Learn to Earn.
- Wearing mask comes naturally after awhile.
- I don’t think I’m worthy for the responsibilities of being a father.
- My laughter is infectious, ask my friends.
- I’m a Merlin to my King Richard and his knights of the round table.
- Finance is not my immediate talent, but I love managing money.
- I had the most fun in high school, but college was a life-changing experience.
Hmm… I guess I can continue for the following 25 random things, but… I’d rather let you have yours. Happy listing! And do let me know.
4. I thought I would never work 60+ hours week, boy was I wrong.
waaaah hebat, makan-makaaaaaan! Hihihihi….
gimana sih? udah capek, disuruh nraktir lagi.. d’oh..