a journey of multipotentiality

Hello WordPress!
It came around. I decided to move my homepage from Squarespace to WordPress. It started as an HTML project before being split into a personal web and a blog. I moved the web to WordPress and hosted it at 1and1. I moved it again to GoDaddy before Squarespace, along with a new blog. As Squarespace…

Mengapa Indonesia Menganeksasi Timor-Leste di Tahun 1975?
Saya menulis jawaban atas pertanyaan judul di atas di Quora. Jawaban tersebut saya tulis pada tanggal 11 Desember 2021. Jawaban: Saya menulis tentang keterhubungan aneksasi Timor Leste dengan revolusi bunga di Portugal dan keterlibatan Amerika Serikat sebagai topik tugas akhir mata kuliah sejarah politik Amerika Serika. Paper tersebut saya unggah di:’s_Annexation_of_East_Timor_The_Connection_with_the_Carnation_Revolution_and_the_US_Involvement (dalam bahasa Inggris).

Asking the Right Questions to Your Data: A Simple Strategy
Getting started in a #datascience journey with Correlation One’s Data Science for All. #problemsolving requires definition firstly through domain knowledge, #dataculture, and #empathy

Infrastructure Bill: Interview with Luis Quintero
Tagging Luis Eduardo Quintero for his #interview on #infrastructurebill. #urbandevelopment #urbanization #telecommuting #energypolicy #publictransport #powergeneration #johnshopkinsuniversity

First Lawsuit to Combat Climate Change in Indonesia
Where #lawsuit is used to combat #climatechange in an #emergingmarket to bring #environmentaljustice

Traditional Portfolios without Bonds
In a world where #bonds don’t matter #assetallocation #equity #liquid #alternatives #alternativeassets