Dragonfly’s Thursday Industrie – Finance & Co.
About a month ago, a strange email landed in my inbox. An invitation from a guy named Andi to be a host for the following Thursday Industrie event held at Dragonfly. Hmm… must have known my email address from my business card (yeah, I got this habit of dropping my business cards in the glass bowls of various establishments I had visited, hey, you might get an invitation like this).
Dragonfly regularly throws up this Thursday Industrie event for people working in a particular industry so they can mingle, network, and have fun. A host in this event functions more as a person who invites their friends to come over, not as an emcee (a lot of people had asked me about it, so I guess I better explain it beforehand). As a token of gratuity, Dragonfly provides a table and a complimentary bottle for the first round of drinks. They rotate the industry periodically between several industries such as finance, entertainment, public relations, music, fashion, etc.
So about two weeks ago, I accepted Andi’s invitation after consulting with several of my co-workers (hey, I need to know if people would come to this event before I agreed for my name to be put as a host there). Andi turns out to be the “party officer” at Dragonfly, and he just sent me the invitation poster four days before the event. Luckily, I had told my friends and let them know ahead of time (it’s not a weekend event, so chances for us finance people to come to a party mid-week is a bit slim, yeah right).
So I emailed the invitation out, and lo and behold, another co-worker is also named as a host, Muti. She was surprised her name was even there and quickly emailed tons of her friends to come for the event. It was put on Facebook as well.
So I came a bit earlier (hey, they told me the event started at 8 pm and when I arrived at 9.15 pm, no one had showed up at my table). As the night turned late, more people showed up. All in all, the two major groups attending the event were from Citi and Danareksa. Cool. You can look at the photo album here, courtesy of Nares.