I Got a Job!
Yes, that’s right! I got a job! I just signed the contract this evening and will start next week. And what’s more, it’s actually in the field that I wanted, money management and capital market. The company is PT Danareksa, and the position is management trainee. The commitment is for one year as a management trainee and two more as a full employee (position to be assigned later). Therefore, I would put my job-search effort to rest until three years from now. What a relief…
Since I graduated almost exactly two years ago from IU, I’ve been at it. Thus far, I’ve managed to snatch several part-time jobs and an internship in-between. So, this position would be my first full-time, out-of-college job. And to my surprise, I got it back here in Indonesia! What’s more, even though I tried all the available channels (job fairs, online postings, networks, and newspapers), the fact that I didn’t get it from networking is surprising (I applied through a newspaper ad). It proved that I was wrong to have my prejudice against the “system,” especially Indonesia’s. I realize that the “system” is still far from perfect, but now I also recognize that the “system” is undergoing positive changes that I just have to experience for myself.
To all my friends and relatives, I would like to thank you for all your prayers and continued support in various ways. You’ve all been helpful and kind, and my gratitude to you all for having accompanied me toward this new stage in my life. I truly appreciate it, and God bless you.